Ron Hinkle began his legislative career in 1983 shortly after graduating from Texas Christian University. Hinkle first began as committee clerk for the House Administration Committee which had oversight of legislator operations including budgets, procurement, and general rules affecting lawmaker's office and staff operations. At the conclusion of his first legislative session, Hinkle was appointed Sergeant-at-Arms for the Texas House of Representatives by then Speaker Gib Lewis. Two years later, while still serving as Sergeant-at-Arms, Hinkle was promoted to Legislative Division Director for the Texas House and served in that capacity until 1991.
Hinkle left the Texas House of Representatives when he was tapped by the Texas Chamber of Commerce to become assistant government affairs director. The Texas Chamber of Commerce was formed through the encouragement of Texas Governor Bill Clements who felt the state chambers of commerce were not being properly represented through more traditional business associations in Texas. After three years Hinkle moved to head up the Communications and Government Affairs Divisions of the Texas Chamber of Commerce, later renamed legislatively as the Texas Department of Economic Development. While at the department, Hinkle assist the department in its economic development, government and tourism divisions in helping promote job creation and encourage more revenue to the state.
Hinkle was later asked to serve as Legislative Liaison for the Texas Public Utility Commission where he assisted PUC Commissioners and legislators during major rehaul and deregulation efforts of the telecommunications and electric utility industries.
After his stint at the PUC, Hinkle opened up his own legislative consulting business where he currently represents Fortune 500 companies as well as various associations and manufacturers.